International Student Mobility

Student Mobility Opportunities

Call for applications for the Fall 2025 semester is now open

While Abroad

 Upon arrival we advise to use the checklist to make sure you do not miss anything. 

 Email to studyabroad@hse.ru a scanned copy of Certificate of Attendance with the Part A signed by a coordinator of a hosting institution.

  Adaptation period

Realization of the fact that the things we are used to as well as our way of living might seem “wrong” or “inappropriate” to the people of another country may result in a culture shock.

How to overcome a culture shock:

— Be open to new impressions;
 Keep in touch with your home, family and friends;
 Keep up with your hobbies and try new fascinating activities;
— Communicate and make new friends;
— Learn something new every day;
— Be active (e.g. do or play sports);
— Be patient. Please mind that adaptation to living abroad takes some time;
— Bring a few touches of home with you (e.g. photos of friends and family, your favorite cup, etc.).

Psychological Support 

If you have a feeling that you cannot overcome your struggles on your own, you can always ask for help:
HSE Center for Psychological Counselling: send a request to the Center via email, in subject put “Skype consultation for HSE student on mobility”.
— Center of psychological support at a hosting institution (ask your coordinator or a buddy for more information).

Safety issues and how to act in emergency situations

→ Find out more about security measures for a foreigner in a country of your stay on the website of a Ministry of Foreign Affairs of your country (e.g. Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs website).

→ Upon arrival to a hosting country register in the Consulate/Embassy of your citizenship and have its emergency contacts (the information about Russian consulates can be found here).

→ Upon arrival make sure  you have a copy of your Consent for mobility with you.

→ Always have with you your medical insurance certificate and contacts of the insurance company.


Force majeure circumstances are natural and/or manmade disasters, acts of god, military or armed conflicts, terroristic acts, accidents and other events, during which your life and health may be placed in danger.

How to act in case of Force majeure circumstances:

Remain calm. Take a deep breath. Reassure yourself that you can handle the situation.

By any accessible means immediately inform about the given situation and your status the following persons:

— the appointed hosting mobility coordinator;
— the nearest Consulate/Embassy of your citizenship; 
— the appointed HSE coordinator (according to your Consent for mobility);
— your family.