International Student Mobility

Exchange Studies in Russia for International Students

Nominations for the Fall 2025 semester from partner universities are accepted till May 15, 2025

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Course Catalogue

How to read the HSE University course catalogue?

  • Field 'When'

The field 'When" includes a year of studies (relevant to full-degree students; exchange students can use it for reference) and modules in which the course runs.

If there are several modules indicated in this field, you are expected to attend the course in all of them.

Example: When: 4 year, 2, 3 module - 4 year HSE students take this course and it starts in Module 2 and finishes in Module 3.


  • Field 'Mode of studies'

Offline –  means that a course does not include a pre-recorded online course (e.g. Coursera)

Distance learning – means that a course includes a pre-recorded online course . It can include some HSE-run components or none.


  • Field 'Open to'

Students of one campus – means that a course is designed to be run by an HSE instructor in the face-to-face mode

Everyone / Students of all HSE University campuses – means that a course is designed to be run by an HSE instructor in an online synchronous mode (e.g. in Zoom or MSTeams). Some instructors record their classes, some do not.


  • Field 'Type'

There are two types of courses at HSE University:

always on schedule and held annually on a regular basis

optional and offered only if 20 students are registered

Course catalogue is not updated. What should I do?

The HSE course catalogue for the upcoming academic year is usually completely updated by mid-August.  Until then, you are welcome to look through the current course catalogue and find courses suitable for you.