International Student Mobility

Student Mobility Opportunities

Call for applications for the Fall 2025 semester is now open

Fall 2020: Application Statistics

In total during the Call for Fall 2020 we received 700 applications for the exchange in 67 partner universities (out of 76 universities opened for application) from 387 BA and MA students (HSE campuses in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm and Nizhny Novgorod).

Three most popular universities among our students are:

1.     University of Helsinki, Finland – 52 applications (5 available spots);

2.    Radboud University Nijmegen , Netherlands 33 applications (1 available spot);

3.    Pompeu Fabra University, Spain – 31 applications (2 available spots)

Overall, 159 HSE students are nominated for Fall 2020. 

The final statistics on the total amount of applications for study abroad programmes in Fall semester 2020 can be found here (the number of applications received is listed on all three priorities of students).

Detailed information about the university’s choice made by students of different study programmes can be found here.