International Student Mobility

Student Mobility Opportunities

Call for applications for the Fall 2025 semester is now open

Exchange programme in Spain

Ekaterina Krasotkina, 3rd year student of the Journalism program at the Faculty of Communications, Media, and Design, has spent a semester at Carlos III University in Madrid. With the support of HSE Endowment Fund Scholarship.

With love from Madrid — kiss three times through video calling


I was very happy when I entered the mobility program. In the second semester of the 3rd year I had a number of subjects related to cinema (an elective course, a minor). I wanted to learn how to make films: documentary and fiction. And Carlos III University was perfect for this.


Firstly, Faculty of Journalism and Faculty of Film, Television and Media Studies are located on the same campus.


Secondly, the university offers a bilingual teaching system: in English and in Spanish. So I could practice English and at the same time be involved in Spanish speech.


Spanish people are very interesting. Here a stranger can kiss you on the street traditionally three times. They like to put their affairs off until tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, but they will certainly do them. Here in the cafe it is impossible to work on the weekend: computers are prohibited, local people come for friendly conversations. There are lines in supermarkets because people talk to sellers: how are you? Here, our neighbors helped us get the key stuck in the door, although in the middle of the night we almost woke their daughter up. Here, even under the epidemic circumstances, they greet each other from the balconies. Teachers and the rector always write support words by email and say them in online lessons. I like it.


The scholarship of Endowment Fund allowed me to rent an apartment near the campus. Together with my neighbor, we were studying until late evening in the library, used Wi-Fi to watch movies, and went to the university gym.


I studied for only two months on campus. Then the coronavirus epidemic began, and we turned to online study. Before it, in addition to my 6 courses from the individual curriculum, I went to 5 more courses as a free listener. On the electronic platform I was able to attend 7 sources — to one more, Camera Directing, the teacher had enrolled me fore my diligence in his classes. During quarantine we made a film, a talk shows (via skype), we had cool online seminars (how nice it is to drink tea in a home dress for a couple), wrote a million essays that could become full-fledged scientific publications. Small spoiler: I have excellent grades in the entire subject of my curriculum. And now in more detail:


Structure of the Media System. This is my only course from the Faculty of Journalism. And it returned me the faith in my profession, because we discussed journalistic investigations and how not to be dependent on corporate and state media.


Fundamentals of Film and Television Direction II. “II” means that for Spanish students this is the second course in a unit of film and television production. They have already learned the basics of filming and editing. And then we were shooting interviews in the studio, preparing packages for talk shows, working in a multinational team.


Film Narrative. This is an ideal theoretical basis for the analysis of the film. We analyzed famous foreign authors using the examples of “Pulp Fiction”, “Matrix” etc.


European Cinema. Here we discussed the contemporary films about Berlin and London, French extremism and the Russian spirituality of Tarkovsky, who, fortunately, is loved by the teacher.


Camera Directing. Not required for me, but a unique course taught by an actual director. He lovingly explained the intricacies of cameras, the author’s styles of great directors. I was acting and I’ve shot my own short film as well.


Documentary and Report. In this course there was such a concentration of materials (dozens of documentaries uploaded to Google disk) that I’m still studying them. Before the virus, we’d shot a documentary about relations in the Tinder era.


Philosophy in History and Culture. A course from the Cultural Studies Faculty has helped me to apply sophisticated but fundamentally important philosophical concepts to contemporary films such as the Truman Show and Arrival.


In my free time, I managed to visit the Prado Museum three times, and twice — Thyssen Bornemisa. At the weekend I traveled to the neighboring cities of Toledo — the homeland of El Greco — and Segovia. I went to the cinema, to the local market, to cafes and bars for locals — to try the famous sandwich with squid, tortilla and the traditional «cidra», which is poured from a distance through the air. During the traditional carnival, my friend and I ended up in karaoke listening to Spanish hits. I still have friends from all over the world with whom I spoke in English, French, Spanish and even Russian — it turns out that the Slavic languages ​​are so close.


If not for the virus, I could have done much more. On the eve of quarantine, my friends and I booked transport and accommodation to visit five cities in southern Spain during Holy Week. Together with the guys who are studying for directors and cameramen, we wanted to make our own movie after exams. But I believe that there will still be. Someday I will definitely be back. In the meantime, I remember my mobility with great warmth. I believe that such an experience should be in the life of every student-— in order to become more professional and simply happier.