International Student Mobility

Student Mobility Opportunities

Call for applications for the Fall 2025 semester is now open

Tag "international exchange"

A trip to a native land

Alena Pervukhina, a 4th year bachelor student of ‘Journalism’ programme under theFaculty of Communications, Media and Design and HSE Endowment Fund Scholarship recipient has returned from her exchange programme at Karlshochschule International University in Germany, and is sharing the impressions on her study.

From one School of Economics to another

Daria Lebedeva, a 3rd year bachelor student of ‘Sociology’ programme under the Faculty of Social Sciences has returned from her exchange programme at the University of Economics, Prague and is sharing her impressions.

Memories of Ingolstadt

Mark Petkevich, a 4th year student of the bachelor’s programme ‘World Economy’ and HSE Endowment Fund Scholarship recipient  has returned from his exchange programme at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt in Germany, and is sharing the impressions on his student life.

Dream exchange in London

Anastasia Vasilyeva, a 3rd year bachelor student of ‘Philology’ programme has returned from her exchange programme at UCL in London and is sharing her experiences on her student life and study there.

Sciences Po vs HSE

Anna Leonova, a 4th year bachelor student of Asian and African studies programme, is sharing her impressions on a French education system and Sciences Po and saying why it reminded her HSE.

University of Bremen – a source of valuable experience

University of Bremen – a source of valuable experience
Natalia Nazarenko, a 2nd year master student of ‘Governance of Science, Technology and Innovation’ programme is sharing her impressions on the exchange programme at the University of Bremen in Germany and saying why cultural shock is inevitable.

Why choose France as an exchange destination?

Why choose France as an exchange destination?
Ekaterina Kolokolchikova, a student of Business and Management faculty, is sharing her impressions on studying at ESSCA, France.
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