Tag "study abroad"

Every year, the best achieving ICEF students are given the opportunity to go to the LSE Summer School in London. ICEF sponsored three students in 2015, and two students received a grant from LSE and ICEF. We asked LSE Summer School 2015 participants to tell us what helped them become best academic achievers and to share their impressions of the summer school and the city. It turned out that they have different life strategies, but they share a love of LSE library and the desire to learn and work hard.
While studying for an MA in the Governance of Science, Technology, and Innovation at the Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge, students can put themselves forward for internships in leading innovative companies, state agencies, or international organizations. This year, five candidates were shortlisted in preliminary selection rounds and Anastasia Trunina was the one chosen to do an internship at OECD. She has spoken to HSE News Service about the OECD Directorate for Science, Technology, and Innovation projects she was involved in this summer.
While some graduates are preparing for MA enrollment exams, others have already received confirmation from international universities. Graduates from the Faculty of Computer Science tell us about their decision to continue their studies abroad, the enrollment procedure, computer science courses available in international universities, and the role of fundamental math in studying economics.
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