International Student Mobility

Student Mobility Opportunities

Call for applications for the Fall 2025 semester is now open


Online Exchange Semester

Mark Shalygin, a 4th-year student at HSE University Faculty of Law tells about his online exchange semester at EBS - European Business School in Germany.

What Should I Do With My Mobility Programme (Spring 2021)?

What Should I Do With My Mobility Programme (Spring 2021)?
We recommend you to avoid unnecessary risks, refrain from leaving Russia and join classes at host universities online at least until classes are held offline again.

‘We Recommend That Students Attend Mobility Programmes Remotely’

‘We Recommend That Students Attend Mobility Programmes Remotely’
HSE Vice Rector Ivan Prostakov talks about spring 2021 international mobility programmes

Spring 2021: Application Statistics

In total during the Call for Spring 2021 we received 347 applications for the exchange in 48 partner universities (out of 48 universities opened for application) from 178 BA and MA students (HSE campuses in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Perm and Nizhny Novgorod).

PR and Advertising students about the international mobility programme

PR and Advertising students about the international mobility programme
We talked with the students of the Bachelor's Programme in Advertising and Public Relations who have studied at foreign universities and asked them to share their experience and advice for those students who are just thinking about the opportunity to go abroad.

Orientation Sessions for exchange participants in Spring 2021

SIMO-Student International Mobility Office invites you to take part in Orientation Sessions for exchange participants in Spring 2021.

HSE DAY 2020

HSE DAY 2020
Brand new HSE Day 2020 took place more than a week ago. 18 hours of live broadcast. 19 faculties Viewers from as far away as Australia.

Exchange at Maastricht University

Erokhina Vladislava, 3rd year student of  Business Informatics programme participated in the student mobility program at School of Business & Economics, Maastricht University, Netherlands and shares her experience.

Exchange study is an experience not to be missed

Bektur Tuibaev, 2nd year student of  Business and Management faculty participated in the student mobility program at ESSEC, France and shares his experience.

Exchange semester at Sciences Po

Ivan Smekalin, 3rd year student of  "Politology" programme participated in the student mobility program at Sciences Po Paris and shares his experience.